SWG phone picture

Sustainable Water Group

Desktop and mobile presence for Startup

Prompt: Design Website for Startup

Team: 4

Role: Designer

Designed for: Desktop, Mobile

Tools Utilized: Figma, Miro, Photoshop, InDesign, Zoom, and Google Docs


The Sustainable Water Group’s AetherBox is being designed to create a sustainable water source using minimal energy. We know that the Box is a long way from completion and will need capital and public interest. This could potentially keep the product from getting to market. The question we want to answer is: How might we build an online presence so that potential investors and interested end users will reach out for more information or join the mailing list?


Create a stunning and informative website to capture the attention of potential early adopters and investors. 


We were challenged to work with the start up, The Sustainable Water Group, to create a prototype for their online presence. We provided additional support with branding.


  1. Execute qualitative and quantitative research to determine direction
  2. After data synthesis, build and test a low-fidelity prototype
  3. Create testable prototype, style guide, and branding



1. Contractors want to stay relevant and offer innovative solutions to their clients

2. Investors will want to know about the product, the technology and the business plan

3. Stakeholders want the website to target Investors

Interview Guide

Built interview guides and executed interviews with our 3 targeted groups: Contractors (an initial target based on stakeholder interviews), Investors, and Stakeholders

Interview Results

Contractor: “I don’t look for new products”

Interviews clearly showed that home builders weren’t interested in new technology for homes. There is more of a pull from the end consumer on items like the Aether Box. This may be a long term marketing strategy for the start up, but in this moment, designing a site with a target on contractor/ home builder industry wasn’t ideal.

Investor: “The website needs to be descriptive and have a good narative”

Investors want to be intrigued immediately and then want to easily find important data points like market size.

Stakeholder: “The design should be appealing to a broad variety of end customers. We shouldn’t confine to only one segment.

With the product still in development we planned on creating enough spark that early adopters would be intrigued enough to submit an email to stay up-to-date on the progress of this revolutionary technology.

Market Research


Have made some kind of major home purchase since owning a home


Made environmentally friendly updates to their home


Use the internet to research products to buy for their home

Telling The Story

“The advantage to long-scrolling is you can create a single page of seamless content. This offers a smooth, linear browsing experience to users, and naturally lends itself to storytelling.” (Smith)

Data Synthesis

Early Adopter Persona

Sustainable Water Group Persona

Early Adopter User Journey

Sustainable Water Group User Journey

Investor Persona

Sustainable Water Group Investor Persona

Investor User Journey

Sustainable Water Group Investor User Journey


Pain Points

1. Navigation was confusing
2. Copy on navigation was confusing
3. Hard to tell where information is


  1. Separated information into 3 pages, rather than one long one (but kept initial long scroll storytelling on home page)
  2. Spaced out information on pages
  3. Re-wrote copy so navigation was easier

Final Thoughts

  • Research dictates design
  • Next-level research
  • Tell a story

Next Steps

  • Grow with product
  • Develop story
  • Specific A/B testing on features
  • Continued iterations on branding